Nintendo Switch 2 ?

Alan Chan
3 min readOct 23, 2023

The Nintendo Switch is a video game console developed by Nintendo and released worldwide in most regions on March 3, 2017. Recently, Nintendo has not officially announced any new devices, but there have been rumors and reports of a new console codenamed “Switch 2” in the works for a release in 2024.

Nintendo Switch 是一款由任天堂開發的電玩遊戲機,於2017 年3 月3 日在全球大部分地區發布。最近,任天堂尚未正式宣布任何新設備,但有傳言和報道稱有一款代號為「Switch 2 」的新遊戲機正在準備於 2024 年發布。

According to a report from VGC, development kits for the next-gen console have already been sent to key partner studios. The report also claims that the new console will be able to be used in portable mode, similar to the Nintendo Switch. Other rumored features of the Switch 2 include a more powerful processor, more RAM, and a better display. It is also possible that the console will support 4K gaming at home.

根據 VGC 的報告1,下一代遊戲機的開發套件已發送給主要合作夥伴工作室。 報導還聲稱,新遊戲機將能夠在便攜式模式下使用,類似於任天堂 Switch。 Switch 2 的其他傳聞功能包括更強大的處理器、更多的 RAM 和更好的顯示器。 該遊戲機也有可能支援家庭 4K 遊戲。

To validate this speculation before the “Switch 2” release, let’s take a look at the patent and trademark applications filed by Nintendo in recent years and see if we can see any clues.

為了在《Switch 2》發布之前驗證這項猜測,讓我們來看看任天堂近年來提交的專利申請,看看可不可以看到一點線索。

According to a simple search of TMview, Nintendo didn’t file any Switch-related trademark recently.

透過TMview進行的簡單檢索,任天堂最近沒有申請任何與 Switch 相關的商標。



Alan Chan

Intellectual Property | Patent, Trademark, Copyright and Trade Secret